Video Games — Luxury or Necessity?

Video games are the most popular passive activities that most people undertake besides watching video content. The quarantine period brought about by Covid-19 has increased the uptake of video games as many people found themselves with lots of time in their hands. However, there has been a raging debate among parents on the usefulness of video games, whether they are harmful or beneficial to players, especially kids. The questions in the digital age parents’ minds are, ‘are video games a luxury or necessity?’ ‘Do we need video games?’ This article explores both sides of the coin to come with a conclusive answer to these questions.

Video Games as a Tool of Self Enhancement

Creativity, character, and socialization are essential skills that you should enhance to improve your children and yourself. Fortunately, the digital age has fostered creativity, character building, social engagement, and brain development through video games. Many video games are excellent educational tools that use video content, puzzles, and sounds to teach various concepts.

As players face different situations in a simulated reality, they gain the necessary skills to deal with similar real-life challenges. They can solve problems, strategize, and work in teams for the common good (for multiplayer games). Do we need video games in such cases? Yes, we do. Some of the development skills taught in games are hard to train out there.

Availability of Video Games

There are tens of free and cheap video games on mobile and PC platforms. This means that you do not have to spend cash to play a favorite game. Additionally, most games can be installed on most popular devices as they do not require high-end devices to run. Therefore, you do not have to spend on the games or new devices. Some of the games do not require internet access or in-game purchases. Consequently, your credit card and children may be safe from cybercrimes or the misuse of credit cards.

A Valuable Distraction

Video games are great tools when it comes to getting your mind back in shape after a seriously stressful period, such as brainstorming or high-pressure tasks. Some creative companies install video games for their staff to get that distraction during breaks before returning to high-demanding jobs. In this context, they can be said to be more of a necessity.

Spending Time and Money on Games

Games take a substantial amount of time that would have been better utilized elsewhere. As they always say, ‘Time is money,’ and sometimes you cannot afford to lose time on a game. Some children spend the precious time that they would have used to study or do other constructive activities. In this context, if you are wondering if video games are luxuries or necessities, the answer is quite clear.

Most games have in-game purchases that may add up to thousands of dollars over a short period. Unfortunately, if you want to play higher levels, unlock exciting features, or strengthen your character, you must spend some cash to get the updates. Other games require monthly subscriptions. Are video games considered as luxury in these cases? If you are given a choice of spending the money on games or some other necessary purchase, video games will look like a luxury and take a backseat.

If you would like to play some of the best games on the internet, you need to spend on high-end phones and computers. Unfortunately, they do not come cheap, and not everybody can afford them. This means that you would not get the best gaming experience if you cannot afford the best gadgets in the market.

Harmful to Kids

Apart from sneaking from the study room to play a favorite game, video games may cause youngsters to do worse. There have been cases where video game players have committed murder, burglaries, and other crimes from the kind of games they played. Unfortunately, violence-themed games are the most popular on the internet.

Additionally, unattended video gaming may lead to negative personality traits such as screen addiction, social isolation (for spending lots of time on the screen), hot-headedness, and temperamental issues. These traits are not good for any kid as they will have problems fitting into the society.

There is a typical question that arises especially for parents who are raising a child in this digital age: Are video games good or bad? We’ve seen countless debates about whether it is more harmful than beneficial or vice versa. These gadgets, as much as the internet, are our boon to communicate and make a living.This brings us to another question- is gaming considered a luxury or a necessity?

Are video games worth spending on? The answer may be a yes or a no, depending on the context and scenarios stated above. If spending cash on them helps improve specific skills, behaviors, or productivity, it is good. On the other hand, if you are wondering, ‘Are video games considered as luxury?’ They are both a luxury and a necessity. The benefits make it a great past-time activity, but the cost in terms of time and money may spell otherwise. Your answer in both cases should help answer: Do we need video games?

Author : William

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