Luxury Dice For your TableTop

A proper tabletop experience can take hundreds of hours to get just right. Not only does your imagination create the narrative, but also the real life interface your players will be utilizing to unfold their adventures. Miniature figures are the standard to represent a hero on the map, but don’t let the search party wandering the dungeon have their immersion ruined by picking up cheap plastic dice.

Preparing for Hundreds (Possibly Thousands) of Rolls

A tabletop game, DnD for example, can go on across multiple sessions spanning multiple days in real time. Each turn players will typically have one initial roll, two if they have multiple hits, and then the rolls for various checks of success. Every time the dice hit the table, they take some impact. Add rigid figures, 3D maps, personal items, and the possibility of gravity taking each die and plummeting it to the ground and you’ll start seeing cracks and lost detail on your dice.

Time to Upgrade Your Equipment

Luxury dice come in all shapes and sizes, but we’re only looking at those that comprise the standard sets. Having a sturdier die to throw saves money on replacements while making each roll feel more impactful regardless of the result. Nothing feels better than dropping an extra large metal d20 to determine the damage your greatsword swing. Metallic dice are just one option when looking for your next set.

Aluminum and Metal Alloy Dice

Aluminum and metal alloys are a popular budget friendly option offering good weight and a satisfying toss every roll. Precision machining is used to get perfect cuts and crisp edges on each die. A great option for adventurers who want their dice made of metal to match their sword.

Full Metal Dice

For the toughest builds and fullest rolls, dice cut directly from a pure block of metal are heavy and make quite the impact when tossed. Titanium, brass, steel, tungsten, and copper are some of the more popular metals used with some companies adding finishes and coloring on top.

Ceramic and Glass Dice

A comparable alternative to metal dice would be ceramic or glass. The weight will be similar to the alloy dice above but they have a unique sound upon hitting the table that party members will love.

Aesthetic choices expand immensely in this category as ceramic and glass are both extremely receptive to new colors. Smoother edges make for more comfortable handling in and out of battle so even the unexpected session can begin painlessly.

Novelty Dice

Now we get into the more “exotic” options for dice, ones you may not think of but pique your interest immediately.

Gemstone dice are extremely popular, not only due to their captivating looks but the inherit energy some people find conveyed through the gems themselves.

Typically created from salvaged antlers and horns that deer and other animals shed naturally, bone dice have become better known as a creative but sustainable choice. Very lightweight and strong, these are the carbon fiber of interesting dice.

The final and honorable mention goes to wooden dice. While not the most interesting, many players see these as novelty dice, due simply to the fact that each wood carries its own density and knots within the wood can cause inconsistent rolls. Readability also becomes an issue at times as the heavier woods that make sturdier dice are also the darker ones requiring bright painting or stickers that take away from the aesthetic.

Keep Your New Dice Looking Good

You have cases for your figures, sleeves for your maps, and a binder for character sheets. Don’t let your perfect set of dice miss out on the VIP treatment. Use compartmentalized wooden boxes, sleeves, or trays to keep everyone from roughing each other up. Velvet or other soft surfaced dice trays can drastically reduce the wear and tear from rolls, getting the most out of each set of dice.

Now that you have your new dice and equipment to take care of them, it’s time to start a new character who perfectly matches the dice that determines their fate.

Author : William

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